Almost all of the Sonic games have certain mysteries that can't be solved, based on pictures and other medias. Try and give any theories or even if you know what the mystery is, feel free to e-mail to me at

Dragon attacking airplane.Dragon continue attacking the Tornado.
Compare the pictures and you'll notice that a dragon is attacking the airplane during Sky Chase. But, in the real game, the dragon did not even exist! So, why are there dragon in both pictures? It might have been just a 'test' by SonicTeam or it was really planned to come out, but they had deleted that part in a hurry. But, thanks to, this mystery is solved.

Here's what he said: "The pictures of the dragon were probably a Chaos 5 during Sky Chase. I remember going to a site before Sonic Adventure was released and it was called 'Chaos' the dragon. I guess Sonic Team ditched it because it didn't look watery like the other Chaos'." sent a theory based on this mystery, "I saw the dragon picture on a website too.  I feel it makes sense that maybe you'd fight Chaos in the air because when Choas transforms, you fight in the pond and he's in the air.  I think the order is, you fight in the pond, after you win, Robotnik throws the other emerald at Chaos and Chaos tranforms into the Dragon.  Then the Dragon flys off with Tails saying "Sonic, we can't let him(Chaos) get away.  Let's go to my workshop and we'll take the tornado..."  Later on, when you're playing as Big you see Chaos again as the Dragon hanging in the air. That's my theory on that." Sounds logic, in my opinion. 

Windy Valley like Red Mountain.Tails flying towards a part of Windy Valley.Tails walking on the ground.
The first picture is said to be a part of Windy Valley but it really looks like Red Mountain. Thanks again to . "The first pic that looks like Red Mountain is actually the background at the start of the Windy Valley level with Sonic. Right after it tells you to destroy the capsule, look to the right and you'll see it."

The last two pictures are about Tails. Both places look like Windy Valley but that place are not in Sonic Adventure (in Tails' Adventure)!

Tails in a Chao Garden.
The most mysterious picture of all. Look carefully at the blurred picture (it's shown at the commercial, that's the reason why the picture is blurr). You'll see a Chao flying around with a Chao-mural on the right side. If this is really a Chao Garden, it would have been cool for such a big and heavely place for Chao.

Big in a strange and unknown place.
Yes, throughout the adventure of Big the Cat, you will never ever come to this place. It looks to me like Windy Valley but there is no water! Why would Big be there? Look carefully and you'll see another thing. It looks like a bridge to the Angel Island but the bridge in the released Sonic Adventure is totally different! Strange.

Here's another mail I received from "In Sonic Adventure, during Sky Chase Act 1, you play the game and when you defeat it you see the camera turning around the plane.  Look at Sonic!  Strange, I recall him having longer spikes that hang down.  He looks more like the Sonic from Sonic R."

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