Sonic with cooler graphics!

Have you ever wondered? Look at Sonic in Sonic Adventure 2 above and you'll notice his much greener eye, longer spikes and cooler form. More of the graphics are in Screenshots. Good news for Chao fans, the Chao are back! Look at one of the pictures in Screenshots.

You can also download the 2 minutes-long and 5.9MB Sonic Adventure 2 movie, official from SonicTeam themselves. Click
here to download it.

About the storyline, there are several rumours floating in the world. Mecha Sonic may also appear but new screenshots have proven that there's going to be an evil version of Sonic himself. Some words are shown in the E3 and from the downloadable movie like below:

Justice Evil
Yin Yang
Light Shadow
Creation Destruction
Truth Lie
Original Fake
Future Past
Chaos Cosmos
Hero Dark
Master Emerald
Highspeed Escape
World Conquest
Sonic The Hedgehog
Knuckles The Echidna
Dr. Eggman
Chaos Emerald
Top Secret Weapon
Ultimate Life

These words (Justice Evil, Yin Yang, Light Shadow, Creation Destruction, Truth Lie, Original Fake, Future Park, Chaos Cosmos, Top Secret Weapon and Ultimate Life) proves that someone else who is the 'Evil Sonic' will be taking as the main villian in the game instead of Dr. Robotnik (again, Dr. Eggman as the game tells us) but still, there are still many things yet to be discovered.

Evil Sonic as the villain?

Is it really an evil version of Sonic? I don't really know but this snapshot taken by me straight from the movie looks like it. That still doesn't explain Sonic and Knuckles are the only main characters while the others are not included in the game.

Dr. Eggman with the mysterious letter 'G'.The 'G' BoxSonic is hand-cuffed by G.U.N. agency!

The two pictures show 2 letters clearly, 'G'. One is Dr. Eggman sitting in some place and the other one is a picture with a 'G' box (I caught the picture myself). What exactly is G? It must be a new character's name or a sign with no meaning. After two new screenshot release directly from Sonic Team themselves, it seems that the 'G' means G.U.N. and they're after Sonic! It seems that the 'evil' version of Sonic did bad deeds and put all the blame to Sonic.

Eggman is fighting against enemies! What could be the reason behind this?

Naffets12 has another theory of his. The screenshot above shows an item box above with Eggman fighting the enemies! It could mean that Dr. Eggman is also a playable character, after Sonic and Knuckles.

According to the available Screenshots on this website and movie, it seems that Sonic and Knuckles are the only available characters in Sonic Adventure 2 (the only words are Sonic The Hedgehog and Knuckles The Echidna). Why? I don't know myself but it looks like Tails, Amy and the rest won't be making an appearance. Perhaps they may just become a secret character if SonicTeam decides to put them in.

As for Nails, it is rumoured that she is a flying bat spy which I don't really think will exist in the game (that's just my opinion). Why? There are no current pictures to prove this and a new character with the name of Nails sound very silly (don't get offended).

That's all for now. Stay tuned for more info on Sonic Adventure 2!

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