The Trouble in Station Square

By: Brett Steffan

Chapter One:In the Chao Garden

One morning when Sonic woke up he saw Tails having trouble carrying some grapes for the Chao's breakfast. Sonic caught up with Tails and said,"Here Tails let me help". Tails gave Sonic eight of the sixteen grapes to carry to the Chao Garden. When they got there Amy was giving the Chao their daily swimming lesson. Sonic groaned,"Amy it's too early to teach the Chao,let them sleep a little longer". "Thanks Sonic",Chasta said with a giant yawn. In less than two minutes all the Chao were asleep. When they woke up Sonic the Chao that looked like a peacock with two spikes sticking out one on each side of his head saw the fresh Grapes and went and ate two of them and the rest each got two grapes a piece just like Sonic. Sonic the real character,heard a big crack and looked over his shoulder and saw EggMan coming up out of the ground in a giant robot that stood thirty feet tall and he knew he couldn't defeat it alone. All of a sudden a light ball swept him back to the past.

Chapter Two:Tikal

When Sonic opened his eyes he realized he was back in the past again,for the third time. Tikal came up and said,"Hello Sonic how are you doing today?" Sonic asked,"How do you know my name?" Tikal said,"When you first came here I asked the Master Emerald who you were. It told me your name,age,birth date,height and weight." "When I finally figured out who you and your friends were I asked the Master Emerald to keep bringing you back so I could ask you questions about your life in Station Square." "But this time a don't have a question to ask you,but I do want to give you something." "Follow me."

Chapter Three:Emerald power

Sonic followed Tikal to the ruined Master Emerald altar,which was once a peaceful place but now ruins because of Tikals father trying to steal the Chaos Emeralds from Chaos. Tikal told the Master Emerald to give her the seven Chaos Emeralds and a bright light shone,and the seven Emeralds appeared out of thin air. Tikal told Sonic to take them back to the future and use them to become Super Sonic again. Sonic did exactly as Tikal told him to do.

Chapter Four:The First Face Off

When Sonic got back he saw Robotnik's giant robot knocking down down the buildings to make room for RobotnikLand. Sonic used the Chaos Emeralds to change into Super Sonic. Super sonic charged at Robotnik only to be knocked back by a giant piece of brick. Super Sonic tried and tried but he couldn't even get near the robot. The light ball swept Sonic back to the past again and he saw Tikal there waiting for him. When he got up there Tikal touched the Master Emerald and said,"Master Emerald grant me the power to see super powers." A huge rumbling noise filled the air and the staircase gave way to a secret door,and when the door opened Sonic saw the most wonderful thing.

Chapter Five:The Super Emeralds

Tikal took the Super Emeralds out and gave them to Sonic. Tikal told Sonic to use the Super Emeralds to become Hyper Sonic. Sonic went back to Station Square and used the Super Emeralds to become Hyper Sonic.

Chapter Six:The Final Battle

Hyper Sonic raced towards Robotnik's robot and right through the bricks the robot threw at him. Hyper Sonic raced inside the robot through a tiny opening and dismantled all of the gears. The robot collapsed and the robots that were behind the giant robot were defenseless. Hyper Sonic destroyed all the other robots in one second. Then he rebuilt Station Square in two minutes and all the people clapped and cheered. Hyper Sonic turned back to Sonic and went over and glared at Robotnik. Robotnik took off like a rocket and didn't come back. Sonic walked to the Chao garden and all the Chao hugged him. Now asked Sonic "Who's ready to practice swimming and the Chao all groaned at the same time so Sonic let them eat and then take naps. Later all the Chao practiced swimming.


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