The Brain-washed Chao by The Ultimate Sonic

Characters (Male) Shiner, Sparkle, Chaolon, Dark, Chaclon,
Characters (Female) Dreams, Chaos, Plump

Note:* * If this sign appears on the character Chaos, it is the real Chaos!

Chapter 1: Chaclon is back

There's not even a tiny noise came from the Station Square Chao Garden. No, not even a sound, until a great laughter is heard.

Shiner: Hey guys it's morning! Wake up!

Sparkle: Can't you be quiet? *sleepily*

Shiner: No, I can't. I heard that Sonic is going to bring lots of Chaonuts for us! So let's wait for him.

Every Chao sit up right.

Chaos: What?

Dreams: Is it true? *her eyes gleaming*

Shiner: Of course. Let's wait for Sonic. Usually I want a coconut when I wake up, but now I don't! Chaonut is better than any other food.

Chaolon: Of course! Now, let's do our swimming business. I bet I can beat you all!

Plump: Don't be too boastful, Chaolon. There's one Chao even more superior than you.

Chaolon: Who's that?

Plump: Chaclon, of course!

Suddenly, the elevator opens. Everyone stop talking and looked at it, their tongue hanging out with thoughts of Chaonuts appearing. But it's not Sonic who appears, it's Chaclon!

In a flash, he punch all the Chao to death except Shiner and Sparkle.

Shiner: What are you doing!? Why do you kill our friends!?

Chaclon: Didn't you notice anything unusual about me? *grinning wickedly*

Both of then looked. His eyes looks different, and there's a tiny black light on his head. It's an Evil Dark Chao!

All Chao: An Evil Dark Chao!

Chapter 2: Dark

Chaclon: Recognize me? Now it's time for brain-washing!

His hands grew enormous guns, and he shoots them both. They run as they yell.

Suddenly, a laser hits Sparkle and he groaned in pain.

Sparkle: Arggh........!

His head grew enormous horns and his body is bigger than Chaclon.

Chaclon: You are no longer Sparkle now, you are Dark!

Dark: Dark? *confuse*

Chaclon: Yes, you are my monster now. Attack Shiner, that Light Chao with strange green eyes!

Dark: Yes, master. *turn*

Shiner: You wouldn't do that, will you, Sparkle? *scared*

Dark: Unified Laser!

Dark held out his two hands and he shoots two lasers which become one big laser with fire around it!

Shiner runs to the elevator and closed the elevator immediately.

Shiner: *gasp* Huh, huh, huh! Now that Chaclon is an Evil Dark Chao, no one will be able to defeat him, no, not even Super Sonic.

He leans at the wall and thought about Sparkle and the others.

Shiner: There's only one way to do, and that's learning techniques from *Chaos*! But I don't know where he is now.

As he leans, his eyes close.

Chapter 3: Seeking for help

Voice: Shiner? Shiner? Are you awake?

Shiner opens his eyes, and he saw Tikal beside him.

Shiner: Tikal! Where am I? *smiling weakly*

Tikal: Oh, you are on the Past. This is where I lived, the Echidna Tribe.

Shiner: What! *jump off* I can't be here! Chaclon is an Evil Dark Chao, and I must....

Tikal: Stop, Shiner. I know everything, so there is no need to tell me about it.

Shiner: But how can I be here? I remember the last time I'm at Station Square.

Tikal: You are transported here by the Master Emerald, Shiner. The Master Emerald knows your courage and your love to your friends, so it transports you here to be taught by *Chaos*.

Shiner: Oh, so can I go to the Master Emerald now?

Tikal: Not now. You must rest and have some food. Follow me.

Shiner followed Tikal and he sees many echidnas there.

Shiner: Wow! They looked like Knuckles. I expect that he will be here.

Tikal: Of course. There he is.

She pointed to a baby echidna on a pram with tiny knuckles and a serious expression on its face.

Shiner: *gulp* That's Knuckles!? Is he really Knuckles?

Tikal: Yes, he's my great-great-great-great-great grandson.

Shiner: What! So that's why Knuckles told us that he remembered some kind girl who's always playing with him, and that's you!

Tikal: Yes. That's true. Now enter this door, and you'll have a surprise!

Chapter 4: The Secret Power

It's a surprise indeed, for the house is full of all the food which the Chao loves! There are lemons, cherries, plums, grapes and lots more.

Shiner: What a big surprise! Can I eat them?

Tikal: Yes, of course.

Shiner took a deep breath and he munched everything in 10 seconds! Nobody can break that record for sure.

Tikal: That shows you certainly are hungry. Well, here's a bowl of water. Drink it. It will enhance your power.

Shiner: Thanks! *taking the bowl*

He drank it, and he felt an enormous sort of power went into his body.

Shiner: Arrrgggghhhhh..........

A blinding light came from his body and he appears more super than Super Sonic!

Tikal: That's the water from around the Master Emerald. *Chaos* gives it to me to give it to you.

Shiner: That's a good deed he's doing. Now I wonder where I can try my power.

He looked around and saw a big tree in a distance.

Shiner: May I destroy it?

Tikal: Errrr..... all right.

Shiner looked around to see that people are far away from him. Then, he uses some kind of power that all the sky was dark. Thus, his hand appears a gigantic electric ball.

Shiner: Everyone, stay back!

All the energies went to his body and with such force, he shoots it. The rain, clouds, thunder and lightning came together with the electric ball. Everyone close their eyes. When they open them, they stared as if they couldn't believe their eyes. The place where Shiner shoots is deserted, without anything left.

Chapter 5: Tikal's explanation

Tikal: Well done, Shiner! Now you can go back to the future.

Shiner: Future? Why? I didn't learn anything from *Chaos* yet, except the Thunder Power which I show just now.

Tikal: That's the thing you want to learned from *Chaos*.

Shiner: What!? Only one power?

Tikal: Yes, that's all. Nobody can save the world, except you, Shiner. With your courage and strength, you're the only one who can save the future.

Shiner: Oh, but I think I can't do it.

Tikal: You can, if you think of saving your friends with full confidence. Once you destroys Chaclon's powers, your friends will be alive. And ask him to come here, for I wanted to know why he's bad these days.

Shiner: How am I to save Sparkle?

Tikal: Easy, just take this thing.

She took a sword from a ragged bag and handed it to him.

Tikal: This weapon has all the power of the Chaos Emeralds and *Chaos*. So, just attack him with this Master Sword. Then, all his evil will come off his body.

Shiner: Thanks very much, Tikal. I will visit you some other time. *gratefully*

Tikal: You know how to come here, right?

Shiner: Yes, just whisper the Chao song, right?

Tikal: Right, goodbye!

Shiner: Goodbye!

Once he said that, he found himself on the elevator of Station Square.

Shiner: Now, Chaclon, meet your death!

Chapter 6: Shiner vs Dark

Shiner is very happy indeed with his new powers. Perhaps Sonic might adore him for once! But there's no time time for imagining now, he must find a way out.

Shiner: Well, unless I destroy this door, I can get out.

His hands glow and he shoots the Thunder Power.

Shiner: Sorry, people of Station Square!

He gets out, and to his utmost amazement there was everyone, lying dead. And that could't possibly be Sonic! His head is like a bone which every dog would dearly love to eat it!

Shiner: Dark! Chaclon! Come out, you coward!

Out of nowhere, Chaclon appeared with Dark.

Chaclon: Let me see. Oh, your power has been upgraded, by Tikal, no doubt. But you can't defeat me!

Shiner: If I can defeat you, you must make everyone alive and make Station Square restored.

Chaclon: Right. But if you lose, I will rule the world! Deal?

Shiner: Deal.

Chaclon: Well, I guess you will like to fight with your friend, right?

Shiner: Right!

Chaclon: Then begin! Dark, attack!

The attack begins. Shiner hits with all his might, but Darks seem more powerful then him.

Shiner: Huh, huh. Thunder Power!

The shooting wrecks the whole world, people yelling in fright. Shiner sees Big ahead, and he yelled to him.

Shiner: Big! Lend me your fishing rod for a while!

Big: What? I can't hear you.

Chaclon: Ah, ah, Shiner, you remember that you must do it by yourself without anybody's help, right?

Shiner: Of course! I just tried to attract his attent.... *hits by Dark*

After for a few hours, Shiner looks defeated.

Dark: The last attack!

He hits Shiner at the body and he fells down, looking dead.

Dark: I've defeated you, you rodent. Ha ha ha ha ha!

No answer. Suddenly Shiner looks up, smiling.

Shiner: Dark, surely you're not foolish enough to know that I'm not fighting you, I'm just testing you.

He clenched his fist.

Shiner: Now, for the Final Battle!

Chapter 7: The Final Battle

Chaclon gasped, and Dark stared. Could this be the same, weak Shiner? He couldn't believe it!

Dark: Hiiiiiaaaaahhhh!

His body became twice bigger, and his hands grews sharp thorns.

Dark: Now you can't defeat me, forever!

Shiner: You didn't see my true power yet. Master Sword, show your best!

Lightning flash, thunder boomed, wind blow and rain falling.

Chaclon: This really is a Final Battle!

Shiner: *snatching the sword* The Final Battle is beginning!

They flew at each other, hitting and kicking.

Shiner: Thunder Power!

Dark defended, and when he can see clearly he saw Shiner coming with his sword!

Shiner: Sword of the Chaos, Flash! *as he stabs Dark*

Dark groaned, and his eyes begin to become smaller, and he returned to his normal, Sonic Chao Sparkle.

Sparkle: Thanks Shiner, for your help.

Shiner: Now it's your turn, Chaclon!

He flies upwards and he changed into something shiny.

Chapter 8: Peace at last

Chaclon: Master Shiner!

Master Shiner: Of course. With the power of the Chaos Emeralds and *Chaos*, I'm Master Shiner!

Chaclon: You are joking, right? *as Shiner walked to him*

Master Shiner: Joking, oh not! Meet your destiny!

His eyes gleamed, and he went as swift as lightning to Chaclon, punch him a few times and uses Thunder Power. Chaclon can't do anything to Shiner at all.

Master Shiner: Now, will you surrender or not?

After for a few seconds, Chaclon spoke.

Chaclon: Yes, I surrender. I will follow your instructions.

Master Shiner: First, go and meet Tikal immediately.

Chaclon: Yes, I will.

Master Shiner returns back to his normal size.

Shiner: Come on, Sparkle. Let's go home.

Sparkle: Yeah....

Shiner carried Sparkle to the Garden. After restoring Sparkle, Shiner noticed that his friends are alive back!

Shiner and Sparkle: Chaos! Plump! Dreams! Chaolon!

They hugged each other in delight.

Dreams: What happened anyway?

Shiner: It's a long story. Better have a picnic then I'll tell you all.

All Chao: Right!

Now we must leave those happy Chao by themselves, talking happily.

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